15 Reasons Everybody Hates HR

15 Reasons Everybody Hates HR

15 Reasons Everybody Hates HR

Waves of both constructive and destructive forces keep moving in an organization, trying to make it a bigger, better, more profitable place to work, or altogether rip it apart in one big bad unthinkable move.

The HR team plays a monumental role in this aspect. They must keep track of the employees, their developmental phases, and how they are contributing to the organization. Now, in their bid to keep tending to employees as if they’re livestock and raise the bar of streamlining processes, the HR personnel oversee some of the crucial aspects that keep employees motivated and productive.

Listed below are fifteen reasons why employees hate HR. None of the aspects described in the pointers below are built into the HR function. on. They’re the result of various conflicts that emanate out of the very fabric of corporate working, like keeping payroll costs down, minimizing employee issues, and having an unobjective HR who are more biased towards their masters and bosses than the people whom they must manage.

Now, it is quite easy as an employee to harbour animosity toward the HR personnel, each of whom is doing their job. The best solution to the problems arising is to have open, fair, unbiased discussions with HR, who must also be objective and clear with the employees about the problems and the recommended courses of action for the common interest.

1. Company-centrism

Duality and misrepresentation. HR is often portrayed as open, friendly, and employee centric. However, that simply is not the case. According to many of an organization’s employees, HR is openly known to be company-centric and focused on organizational needs.

2. Inaccessibility

There is a significant lack of interaction between HR and many employees. This creates a divide between the two groups. This inaccessibility comes in the way of HR to alleviate the basic hurdles that may yet cloud an employee’s resolution with respect to the organization.

3. Dispassionate

The terminology HUMAN RESOURCES itself infers that humans are to be seen as a resource. Organizations are on a perpetual lookout for cheaper resources, i.e., employees, and may replace the existing ones without any protocol, and it is in these matters that it is led by the HR. Employees want to be treated like respected humans and not as a means to something profitable. Often, HR does not comply.

4. Intimidation

In many organizations HR has been known to send messages that order the employees to carry out a particular task or assignment or act in a particular way, threatening them with expulsion for their failure to comply.

5. Habitual incompetency

Sometimes it happens that employees when approaching HR personnel to gain knowledge or clarification of processes or policies, find them untrained, unaware, and incompetent to deal with the tasks of helping and advising them in order to better perform their tasks.

6. Policies over People

It’s never easy to work in HR, contrary to general belief. The HR personnel are perpetually stuck between the wishes of the employees and the will of the management. Sometimes it seems a thankless job. Even then, HR personnel who always play by the policies are criticised way more, by both the employees and the management, than the respect they may get.

7. Stubborn and unrealistic approach

Human Resources members are only concerned about their near-perfect execution of practices and policies. Unfortunately, however, this doesn’t go down well with the executives and employees who’re doing the bulk of the organisational heavy lifting. Many such HR decisions have adverse effects on the routines of employees.

8. Overcomplication

Many HR processes and policies periodically demand excessive documentation and paperwork for the management. This must not be the case. This complicates the already uneasy, sometimes strained relationship between the employees and HR.

Modern Human Resources personnel must simplify their roles with the help of HR Software, and not complicate the working of the employees and the management — as is their goal.

9. No Direct Answers

Many times, the HR representatives don’t have straight, simple answers to an employee’s easy, straightforward query. They tell him/her to wait for their revert. This is one of the major reasons that employees feel distraught every time they visit HR. The HR managers must produce direct, up-front, easy answers to make the workplace a comfortable place for the employees and to boost productivity.

10. Non-objective and biased

Unfortunately, many HR team members do not acknowledge an acceptable employee viewpoint because the HR team want to keep their job and get promoted. The HR managers also have a tendency to agree with the managers more than with employees, fair or not.

11. Involvement with office politics

In addition to the aforementioned factors discussing the HR reps’ unobjective, biased and callous approach in handling employee matters, HR has long been known to deal with the employees and the management in a political way. It has long been understood that the HR way of organizational management calls for such ways and means.

12. Erratic focus

HR reps have been finicky about overstressed employees who, say, do not follow a newly instituted dress code or wear an ID badge at work. While upholding and maintaining a certain kind of decorum is important, relatively trivial issues must not take precedence over real issues.

13. Trust Issues

The HR personnel have serious trouble establishing their trustworthiness amongst the employees. They are viewed with suspicion by the employees when having discussions about the organization. This adds up to the confusion and accentuates the already huge gap in communication and understanding.

14. Too Much Discipline

Sometimes overemphasizing discipline can hamper employees’ morale and result in a drastic reduction of organizational progress. For HR, it's always policies, uniformity, and discipline over organizational business growth and that “human factor.”

15. Stuck in a Rut

Even after an organization having evolved gradually over a no. of years in both business and employee strength, the HR team shall still be following the same hardwired HR policies instead of streamlining the HR processes to better accommodate the increasing workforce who can then contribute to the organizational growth in a better way. This is a major drawback in medium to large organizations, which constantly hampers organizational growth and makes progress almost glacial.

HR software technology (HRMS) plays a crucial role in keeping track of workforce skill requirements and enabling organizations to take informed decisions. At Complygate we have developed HR Software as the perfect solution for the modern workplace. It helps you to streamline your HR processes and reduce complexity in admin jobs through automation and user-friendly workflows.

Complygate helps you make better decisions about human capital hiring, diversity, performance, compensation, and more. Our analytics and data-driven workforce planning tools deliver real-time insights giving you a 360° view.

Complygate uses modern-day cloud-based technology which makes the workflow smart and reduces manual interventions. We are an end-to-end HR solution that enables HR leaders to send unified communications and access one source of data to monitor the health of change programs and make immediate improvements wherever necessary. Our skill matrix feature helps companies employ migrants who are appropriately qualified, registered or experienced.

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