6 Tips to Boost Employee Productivity with Remote Work

6 Tips to Boost Employee Productivity with Remote Work

6 Tips to Boost Employee Productivity with Remote Work

There is no doubt coronavirus (COVID-19) has drastically affected businesses and workplaces. Most companies have started encouraging the team to work from home in the UK. While many employees are already doing remote work, most managers and employees are still following the same prototype work shifts.

In this system of remote work (work from home) there is more distraction, less natural interaction with the team members and more social isolation, which can impact the productivity of the organization. To overcome these challenges employees should explore new ways to manage and collaborate with team members and find different ways to interact with each other.

We can implement various ideas and changes to boost the productivity of this remote work system. Here are six points that we can keep in mind for boosting remote employee productivity.

1. Implement daily check-ins

In this current scenario of work from home, the team members and manager are not connected face to face. A daily check-in routine is important for setting priorities and encouraging connections. Morning check-in can be done via video chats, phone calls, or instant messages and can be one-on-one or held in small groups. Furthermore, implementing daily check-ins can make employees feel more responsible for their job.

2. To provide employees with technology and productivity tools

Providing employees with technology and productivity tools is important as it can help them in achieving their objectives whilst maintaining a smooth workflow throughout the process. These include project management tracking apps such as Asana and Air tables, chat/messaging apps such as Microsoft team and video conferencing apps such as Zoom and Google Hangout.

Providing teams with these modern technology and productivity tools, allows managers and employees to stay on the same page while doing work from home jobs and helps teams boost employee productivity and connectivity.

3. Encourage the team to create a dedicated workplace

Before covid-19 employees never needed a dedicated workspace at home, but under the current circumstances, it is essential to encourage employees to try and create a home office space which separated from the communal space.

Dedicated workspace can help employees be free from distractions in the surrounding. During covid schools are too having online sessions due to which children most of the children are at home. So, this kind of workspace will create more dedication toward office work.

4. Dressing for work

It may not sound important to be dressed up well for work from home jobs, but it will help employees to be more productive as it can help them stimulate the feeling of being present in an office. Dressing appropriately, even for remote work can also help us to feel fresh for the start of a new day and allows us to look presentable throughout the day for meetings and video calls.

5. Providing emotional and mental support to the remote employees

Working from home contributes to loneliness and depression caused by the pandemic. Employers should always take the necessary steps to provide emotional support to their employees. Managers and leaders should create a safe space where employees can open up about their emotional and mental conditions without any hesitation. They should encourage regular exercise and a self-care attitude to ensure the physical and mental well-being of their employees.

Furthermore, employers can provide employees with mental health facilities like therapy services, workshops, and more to help them overcome any emotional or mental problems.

6. Team building and normal interaction with the remote employees

In the present circumstance where people are working miles away from each other, it’s very significant to keep them connected. Personal interaction within the team plays a substantial role to build a progressive working atmosphere. The conversation apart from work always helps to set a healthier environment among the employees.

Non-work interactions like discussing current affairs, news, hobbies, etc. may help them relieve their stress and work more productively. From time-to-time social online events should be organized for remote employees. This way we can build a strong and productive team.

Understanding the challenges involved in remote working is a key to its success. Here at Complygate, we encourage all companies to pay special attention to their employees' needs during these trying times. We are all aware of the fact that ‘A healthy mind lives in a healthy body’ it is, therefore, important to strike a balance between mental, physical, social, and professional approaches to increase employee productivity of remote workers.

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