Your BPSS Clearance Handbook

Your BPSS Clearance Handbook

Your BPSS Clearance Handbook

BPSS security clearance UK

What is BPSS?

BPSS is the acronym for Baseline Personnel Security Standard. The most recent guidance version 6.0 was issued in May 2018 by the UK Cabinet Office. BPSS is a rigorous and consistent pre-employment control which underpins the national security vetting (NSV) in the UK. There is no requirement for BPSS check to be applied retrospectively where assurances are in place. The BPSS is one of four levels of security available, depending on the level of trust required. The others are Counter-Terrorist Check (CTC), Security Check (SC), and Developed Vetting (DV). The BPSS is not a security clearance, unlike traditional security clearances like the Counter Terrorist Check (CTC), Security Check (SC), and Developed Vetting (DV).

The BPSS check comprises verification of the four main elements which are:

  • Identity
  • Right to work in the UK
  • Employment history (3 years, 5 years, or 10 years – depending on risk)
  • Basic disclosure (unspent convictions only)

Who needs a BPSS clearance?

Anyone that has a connection with UK OFFICIAL assets, occasional access to UK SECRET assets, requires access to the Public Services Network (PSN), or works in locations where SECRET and TOP SECRET material may be overheard must have BPSS clearance. This duty applies to all UK public officials, military personnel, temporary people (including contractors, consultants, agency staff, and government vendors), and government suppliers. In cases of private organisations not engaged with the government or the national infrastructure, BPSS clearance should only be pursued, if necessary, proportionate, and value-adding.

To help government departments in adopting BPSS into contractual agreements, the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has produced a collection of optional Clauses designed specifically for use in Crown Commercial Service Framework Agreement procurements.

How can Complygate help with BPSS clearance?

Complygate is your trusted partner in simplifying and accelerating the BPSS clearance process. Our AI-powered technology ensures seamless identity verification, work eligibility checks, and employment history assessments, providing your organisation with unparalleled efficiency and confidence. As experts in compliance, we understand the criticality of BPSS clearance and its role in safeguarding national security. By choosing Complygate, you're choosing excellence, reliability, and a commitment to the highest security standards. We've streamlined the complex, so you can focus on what matters most—your workforce's integrity and your organisation's success.

Complygate BPSS workflow

We've designed a meticulous workflow to streamline the BPSS screening process. This series of checks, each integral to national security, is powered by advanced AI technology. Here's how our process works:

identity verification

  • Identity Check

    Our extensive identity verification process ensures your candidates are who they claim to be, laying the foundation for trusted BPSS clearance.

  • Right to Work Check
  • Right to Work in the UK

    We seamlessly verify your candidates' right to work in the UK, a crucial step in meeting BPSS standards.

  • employment history
  • Employment History

    Whether it's 3, 5, or 10 years of history, our workflow meticulously assesses your candidates' employment background, tailored to risk levels.

  • Basic DBS Check
  • Basic disclosure (unspent convictions only)

    Uncover unspent convictions effectively with DBS checks under our streamlined BPSS workflow, maintaining the highest security standards.


The BPSS clearance is the minimum level of security clearance in UK. To obtain security clearance such as CTC, Level 1B, SC, or DV, you must pass a BPSS check. It helps safeguarding sensitive information and essential responsibilities in crucial roles by ensuring only trustworthy and reliable personnel access.

If an individual applies for a position that requires BPSS clearance it is crucial to be aware of the requirements and make sure to have all the appropriate documentation. The UK govt website has further information on the BPSS Clearance.

Complygate offers specialised solutions to streamline and accelerate your BPSS screening process. Our tools and expertise can help you in efficiently assessing and verifying individual’s qualification for positions that requires this level of clearance. We can assist you in meeting your security needs with confidence and efficiency.

Contact us today to learn more about how Complygate can help you with BPSS clearance.

document verification

1 platform - 20 checks

Innovative DIY Platform For Employment Vetting

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1 Platform 8 checks

Enterprise Screeneing

Human-In-The-Loop screening platform coupled with AI

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Skilled Worker Mock Audit

SMCR Screening

For job roles that fall under SMR and SMCR.

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