BPSS Clearance for G-Cloud 13 Suppliers and CCS

BPSS Clearance for G-Cloud 13 Suppliers and CCS

BPSS Clearance for G-Cloud 13 Suppliers and CCS


The Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) describes the pre-employment controls for all temporary staff and government contractors. Its diligent and consistent application also underpins national security vetting.

Importance of BPSS Check for G-Cloud suppliers

The personnel security controls described in The Baseline Personnel Security Standard must be applied to any individual who, in the course of their work, has access to government assets. If you are a supplier who has been added to G-Cloud 13 framework or Crown Commercial Supplier (CCS), you must make every effort to complete the BPSS check. When you are unable to apply BPSS check, it must be risk-managed and the details should be properly recorded for any audit purposes.

How does BPSS clearance protects HM Government and the G-Cloud 13 supplier?

People are key assets of any organisation. The application of the BPSS Clearance should ensure that organisations are employing people who have the Right to work in the UK and with the honesty, integrity, and values needed in order to work for HM Government.

The BPSS clearance and supporting guidance describe the obligatory pre-employment controls required to identify the problems of fraud, illegal working, or deception. It may pose serious risk to reputation, integrity, and financial assets. It may also be indicators of more serious national security concerns like espionage, cybercrime, and terrorism. Failure to address these matters could lead to reputational or more grave harm to the HM Government. It should be remembered that without true confirmation of identity, any subsequent National Security Vetting (NSV) offers zero assurance.

Government departments and agencies must have appropriate personnel security controls in place before and during employment to reduce the risk of damage, loss, or compromise of government assets.

Agency and contract staff offered via G-Cloud 13 framework must be subject to the same pre and post-appointment checks as permanent civil services staff. It is purposeless to apply personnel security controls to permanent staff if contract staff is then allowed access to premises and information without the same diligent checks having been carried out.

How Complygate can help G-cloud 13 framework suppliers and CCS mitigate people and reputational risk?

Complygate is a Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supplier and has also been awarded a place on the G-Cloud 13 framework. Complygate is a leading G-Cloud employee Background check UK provider and global provider of global employment background screening services.

Most of our employees are screened up to a minimum BS7858 standard and trained by National Security Inspectorate (NSI).

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