How to help Employees Avoid Post Vacation Depression

How to help Employees Avoid Post Vacation Depression

How to help Employees Avoid Post Vacation Depression

Taking a break from the work-life is advisable as it helps you to restore and rejuvenate for starting the work fresh. On the other hand, if the vacation is unplanned in terms of work, then it creates a kind of depression or builds pressure on the employee which is termed as vacation blues.

To avoid these vacation blues, employees need to plan the course of action for their team members. Delegating responsibilities to the team during their absence can avoid the situation of post-vacation depression. Most of the employees are suffering from this kind of mental pressure which results in economical, emotional, and mental stress.

These impacts of post-vacation on employees can be avoided by implementing several steps, from which some are mentioned here.

Things You can do to Help your Employees Post-Vacation

Providing Incentives for Health Club and Fitness

We are all aware of the fact that a healthy mind leaves in a healthy body. So, releasing energy in a positive direction result in a positive outcome. Exercise helps to release happy hormones, make people more energetic and improve their mental health too. Many companies nowadays encourage their employee to physical fitness which results in increased productivity.

To avoid post-vacation stress physical fitness can be one thing that employers can encourage by providing yearly membership of fitness club or gym. A healthy competition related to fitness can motivate employees to be a part of it.

Planning the Annual Leave of each Employee at the Right Time

Taking a break means no work during the vacation, so it becomes important to plan a vacation at a suitable time. Employees can plan their vacation when they have less amount of pressure related to work, then only they can enjoy their vacation fullest and won’t be stressed when they come back.

Apart from work pressure they should also look for another aspect that is, the availability of co-team members before planning the vacation. If they plan vacation according to the availability of another member of the team, they can delegate the responsibilities to another employee. On the other hand, they can look for a colleague within the team who can be a substitute replacement for them. This kind of planned vacation can help employees to avoid the vacation blues.

Positive Attitude and Avoid Hectic Vacation

Returning to work after vacation with a positive mind frame is essential to avoid stress. Looking forward to the daily routine of work and home. Positivity in learning new things after break and excitement of meeting office colleagues can help them to an extent.

Apart from having a positive mind, it's also important to go for a vacation with a relaxing mindset. I mean vacation should not be full of activity rather it must be leisurely planned and should be a kind of relaxation during the vacation.

Organizing Events

Employers can also play an important role to avoid the stress of post-vacation by organizing an event, some fun activity, lunch get-together, etc. These types of pre-planned activities can maintain employee ‘s excitement even after returning from vacation. Employees will be looking forward to this kind of get-together where they can easily cope up with the routine gradually.

Flexibility in Working Hours

It’s commonly seen employees returning from vacation are mostly in a holiday mood and they are not mentally ready to handle the work pressure, so it's advisable to give relaxation or flexibility in working time for a couple of days until they are comfortable or ready for full work time.


Understanding people and their suffering always result in betterment. It’s a company’s duty to think and care about their employee's mental health.

Employees generally get disconnected from work and their projects and assignments during their days off, therefore when they return, they should be given time to review the work from where they left. This will ease the pressure of vacation and help them to get back to work comfortably. This can also help employees to set new goals and plan strategies to achieve them.

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