SIA BS7858 Security Screening: Is your organisation protected?

SIA BS7858 Security Screening: Is your organisation protected?

SIA BS7858 Security Screening: Is your organisation protected?

When fraud, including employment fraud, is discovered, it is usually a surprise. Most of us are not used to looking for criminal behaviour inside our own organisation. We trust our employees, and no one wants to think that someone might be wrecking the rules for their personal gain.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has prosecuted many individuals and companies over the years after SIA investigators found the use of an unlicensed security guard or tried to use someone else's SIA licence during random checks.

Some of the most recent prosecutions:

What was the offence?

The offences committed against the Fraud Act 2006 were:

  • Section 2 Fraud by false representation
  • Section 7 Fraud Assist in the commission of fraud
  Dudley nightclub managers and staff prosecuted for fraud and illegal security

What was the offence?

The offences that are mentioned above are as follows:

  • Private Security Industry Act 2001, section 3 – working without a licence
  • Private Security Industry Act 2001, section 3 – working without a licence; Fraud Act 2006, section 1 – false representation; Fraud Act 2006, section 6 – possession of an article for the use in fraud 

Let’s understand the Law

SIA ‘The Regulator’

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is responsible for regulating the private security industry in the UK, reporting to the Home Secretary under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. Similar to how FCA regulates the finance industry in the UK.

Who can become a private security operative in the UK?

By law, security operatives working under contract must hold and display a valid SIA licence. Once SIA issues a licence, details about the licence holder are held on a public register.

How can I access the SIA Register of licence holders?

SIA BS7858 Security Screening

This British Standard (BS7858) helps employers screen security personnel before offering confirmed employment. It provides best-practice, guidance and sets the standard for the screening of security staff. BS7858 vetting includes data security, sensitive and service contracts, and confidential records. It can also be applied to situations where security screening is in the public’s interest.

What checks are included in SIA BS7858 Security Screening?

DBS is a mandatory requirement for SIA licence. Most of the SIA authorised firms rely on the basic DBS performed during the licence process and the following checks make for the SIA BS7858 security screening:

What records should be held after a cessation of employment under BS7858 Vetting?

After cessation of employment, the following records should be retained for seven years:

  • Written provision of information
  • Signed statement
  • Proof of identity
  • Confirmation of continuous record of career and history
  • Verification progress sheet or equivalent
  • Employment verification
  • Statutory declaration
  • Acceptance of risk

Does Complygate offer any BS7858: 2019 training for Screening/ Vetting professionals?

Complygate has developed various detailed and market-leading courses for screening administrators and controllers.

Our courses are beneficial for everyone irrespective of their experience in the BS7858 security screening industry. Please contact us [email protected] for further information.

How much does SIA BS7857 security cost?

Please check the pricing here. Bulk discount apply.

Related topics: BS7858, BS7858 Security Screening, BS7858 Vetting, Security Screening, Security Vetting, SIA Screening, SIA Vetting

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