Social Media Screening and its increasing importance

Social Media Screening and its increasing importance

Social Media Screening and its increasing importance

Social media has been developing into our lives since the internet was invented, it’s development over time has seen the increase of users logging in. social media allows everyone to post, comment, like, socialise and many other things. The adaptation to fitting it into our lives can help employers to see what kind of people they are considering hiring.

What is social media screening?

Social media screening is when employers look through their candidate’s social media profiles to see if they find anything unethical and inappropriate. If candidate engage in any bad online activity, then it can shine a bad light on the organisation if they are seen to be associated with them.

Why is it important?

Online profiles such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter allow users to create a private or public account with the choice to switch between the two by changing the settings. If an account is public then it gives global access for anyone to see what you post. The company will then be able to scroll through and look at the public posts, they can then use that information to conduct an analysis on what characteristics their candidates may have and to see if they find them suitable to work for them.

Social media screens can help with the security of organisations. If the candidates are seen engaging in illegal activities, then they could use the organisations to cover up their crimes. If the candidate is also seen following any corrupt organisations them, they could possibly go as far as selling company information in exchange for money or other things.

Candidates that show negative behaviour online can have an effect on the organisation. If these candidates are hired, then they could bring that behaviour into the workplace and damage the company’s reputation. Strong allegations that are made against an individual, such as being racist, that will cause a rage on the internet could lead to other users finding out their place of work. If they find that an organisation is linked to them, they will want them to fire them as justice. If they do not see this justice, then the organisation will also have a bad name attached to them. Or if an organisation was to hire them after the allegations, then they can also have a bad reputation attached to them.

Screenings are also important because it can see if the candidate holds the same views as the organisation. If they are showing the same values that they believe in as an organisation they are more likely to see the candidate as a good fit for the company. However, if they don’t seem to have the same views as them then they could be a better fit for another organisation.


To sum it all up, social media screening will help to seek out the good and bad candidates for the organisation. Without this screening the candidates could instantly reflect a negative connotation onto the organisation as soon as they hire them.

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