The Importance of Analytics for Future Leaders

The Importance of Analytics for Future Leaders

The Importance of Analytics for Future Leaders

As an old saying goes “Change is the only Constant”

One of the main headlines on the BBC today was about “Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) to cut upto 5000 jobs” as part of its strategic planning. While there are many socio-political and economic factors such as the “Brexit” that contribute to the performance of a business, technology is surely one of them. As far as the automotive industry is concerned like most other industries today, is struggling with the concept of digital transformation. Cars that were previously Diesel-powered now have to transform to being Electric or hybrid. This is perhaps the ruling sentiment in any industry currently as all businesses are subject to rapid digital transformation making transformation in HR increasingly significant than before.

Leaders go to their data analytics for their hypothesis, analysis and synthesis to make better decisions and keep in line with industry trends. Analytics therefore is the lifeline for any business to cope the digital transformation impending on businesses.

People Analytics not only gives you a bird’s eye view of your available talent pool but also helps identify those missing gaps in developing the future leaders you need to drive your business forward and combat the technical challenge. Even today most organisations struggle with identifying the right talent to perform the necessary jobs that can help them achieve their goals making employee engagement all the more important.

Dashboards and various charts and graphs are critical in identifying training needs. Going back to the JLR example, the organisation has to develop its workforce accordingly to deliver the transformation daunting on the company. Extrapolating it to smaller businesses and entrepreneurial set ups, the earlier the companies embrace and adapt to updated HRIS systems the faster they can get on the trajectory with their business goals and objectives. Larger corporates invest heavily in their systems but it’s the smaller companies that struggle to cope as they are outstretched with their available resources. Most SME have a potential to fall out without appropriate software tools to identify gaps and trends for their businesses to thrive.

Cash is no more king…its DATA. Having tools and technology like analytics giving deeper insights into various aspects like employee trends, industry trends, training requirements etc equips companies to successfully run their businesses. Relevant relational analytics can also help identify employee relations than can positively impact their workplace performance. The major industry trends we have seen in the 2018 were mostly Data related for example the challenges faced by Facebook or the GDPR that came into force.

They say “Real leaders make other leaders”. Building leaders of the future is critical to survive the current dynamic and ever evolving environment. Therefore it is important for organisations to quickly adapt to the more advanced methods of performing HRMS involving tasks that can shift focus to the softer skills needed to make businesses grow.

Complygate is a HR software coupled with Artificial Intelligence that enables companies to stay focussed on what really matters in terms of business goals and objectives in cost-effective methods.

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