How to Perform DVLA check in the UK

How to Perform DVLA check in the UK

How to Perform DVLA check in the UK

DVLA is the process of checking the driving license of an employee or individual, it also simplifies the license check. This check is to verify the driving eligibility of an individual and reduces the probability of threat or risk. The employee who drives for businesses or works for them this is compulsory and important in the U.K. This check is done with specific guidelines and this became more convenient as this check can be performed online.

This type of check makes sure that the information is continuously updated to the compliance about the driver so, that they have full control to manage them accordingly. This checks the background of the driver and their license. This also checks the validity, driving points before the expiring date of the license, and check which kind of vehicle the driver is assigned for. If this information is not checked properly or from time to time then compliance can lose to claim the insurance. Every company or business is responsible for the driver-related issues for whom they are working.


  • The license should be free from endorsement code and point
  • Check new photocard ID and details information of DVLA
  • Check validity of driving schedule and date of the drive
  • Check the category of vehicle assigned to the driver
  • Check the number of penalties or points


Check the license number of driving license

To check the driving license number we need to check

  • The surname of the driver which is mentioned on the license, if the surname is less than five characters then the rest of the space is filled by the number 9.
  • The first and last digit of the license number indicated the year of birth of the driver, The second and third number is the month of driver’s birth date, in case of female license digit 5 is added to the second digit, the fourth and fifth digit is the day of the month of birth.
  • The first two initials of your name if you have one initial then the second initial is 9.
  • Computerized check of digit
  • License number

Validity period of license

By this, we check whether the driving license is validity period as per the date. A driving license is valid till the 70 years of driver’s age and after that, the license needs to be renewed every year or for three years depending upon his or her medical condition. For a license like LGV drivers need to go for a medical report and after 45 years of age, they again need to go for a medical check-up and need to renew every five years depending upon their medical condition.

Check of photo ID

The photograph on the license needs to be updated every 10 years to have a current look of the driver to make the verification easy. It's important because it has a photo that verifies the person who is driving. A verified photo has a hologram of DVLA at the corner of the pic.

Check the type of vehicle they are assigned for

This is important to check which vehicle is assigned for the driver to avoid the risk. If the driver is driving a different vehicle other than the assigned vehicle for any business or company, they might lose the policy of insurance involved.

Check the points and endorsement

Driver’s during their driving carrier commit many kinds of mistakes and that offense has some fixed points or fines. So, if these points exceed 12 then their driving license is automatically cancelled. There is much other offense which has higher points which ban the license immediately.

Safety check

This is performed by checking the back of the photocard where there is code mentioned to identify the condition of the driver, it's important to meet those conditions to drive certain vehicles.

Going through all the points and learning the process of this check we ensure the safety of the community and provide benefit to the driver as well as the company or business. This check needs to be conducted for each employee who drives for work. By this process we also help 2 tier candidates to make the process seamless for them.

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